Proud that a #tinkering activity I made back at MIT helped spark a new idea for an AI activity in the playful mind of Erik from Strawbees. Its wonderful to be part of a "scene" of play designers! #ECSITE
The sunlight was variable in yesterday's workshops with solar critters at #ECSITE, which is ideal because it makes changes in power tangible. #tinkering
Lots of playful anthropomorphising going on in the playing with the sun workshops, and mounting of the pen on the drive wheel doesn't spray ink everywhere. #tinkering
3.5F ic 5.5v at 15 ohm trim pot takes 3.10 to get to 2 secs. 2 of them take 2:47. Something fishy. Retrimmed pot to pulse at full (18.6), pushes seem more robust and got 6 mins plus. Single 3:10.
Removing back cover of the gear motor, filing down the tube, and cutting a notch in panel side allows epoxy to hopefully do the rest. Now where to put all these damn electronics?
About 19 Ohms with two 2.5F caps in parallel gives about 3 minutes. If start with continuous running, you get about 1 min. 20 before pulses get to 2 secs each.
Well I did my best to make a solar powered human sized drawing machine for #markmakingmay, but in the end the mark was rather small. :) Perhaps I'll try again next May! #tinkering